Project Terra Name Reveal and New Trailer!

Greetings everyball and happy Long Overdue Summertime Blogpost Day!

The sun is shining, birds are singing, the heat makes desk work more annoying and we crawl from our cave to finally deliver another official update on this blog.

However, it is a big one!

Finally: The Official Name of Project Terra

Everyone, we want to let you in on a little secret, known only to parents, pet owners and everyone doing creative work or playing some of those RPG games: Names are hard!

We have been working on Project Terra for quite a few years already and have pushed back the final decision on the title several times. But now we have finally decided and will reveal it. Drumroll please. Project Terra will henceforth be known as:

(Alabaster Dawn)


And that’s the name!
Goodbye everyone, see you next year, please clap! 👏


Special thanks to VanAnimation for the opening animation of Juno and to Julian of DigiTales Interactive (also check out their games!) for the trailer editing!

Also, we finally created a Steam Page, where you can wishlist the game, which is something we’d very much appreciate!

Progress made in 2024

So what actually happened in all of 2024? As we mentioned, back in January, our plan was to work on a Vertical Slice aaaand… it’s mostly done! A lot of small, missing features have been implement, lots of maps created and polished, a good bunch of cutscenes scripted, two boss enemies wrapped up, and one dungeon… mostly finished. We’re currently at a point where about the first 1-2 hours of the game are almost fully playable.

It may not sound like much, but getting to that point is a big milestone for us! Having all the relevant systems together should allow us to slowly pick up the pace and develop content faster.

When can I play?!

There is still no public release for now, sorry.

As you might have heard, narrative-focused Action-RPGs are a beast to develop. Still, we’re getting close to something: a public demo, which will be similar to the vertical slice we’re still working on. The current plan is to release that one in Early 2025.

Following that, we might go a similar route as we did with CrossCode: An Early Access release in late 2025.

Early Access is important for us for two reasons:

  • We can get continuous feedback from a larger crowd of players, which ultimately allows us to create a better game
  • It makes a long development time financially feasible.

In the end, it was to a large part thanks to Early Access that CrossCode ended up being the game it is today. Of course, we hope that Early Access for Alabaster Dawn won’t go on quite as long, as it did for CrossCode.

So that’s when you’ll be able to play Alabaster Dawn! That is, unless you’re at Gamescom this year!

We are visiting Gamescom!

We’ll again be attending Gamescom this year and showcase an up-to-date build of Project Terra Alabaster Dawn!

Our booth will be at Hall 10.2, E020g – D021g and will be shared with other great projects from our region!

Something to mention though: we’ll only have 2 spots to play for a total of 5 developers, so it might become a bit crowded.

But we’ll also be there at the booth for a chat from Wednesday to Friday, so there’s that, too!

Homepage and Social Media

Smol anxious Juno by YuiKannon

With the official name of the game out there, we decided to give it a special homepage with all the relevant links included:

We have become, as you young folks say, “with it” and created some more social media accounts where you can follow us!


Of course, you can still find us on Twitter, YouTube and our Community Discord.

Followers and Subscribers are always appreciated!

And that’s pretty much it!

Yes, we took our sweet time with this update, but it’s a big one for us.

And we’re really looking forward to what you’re going to say!

Until next time!


  • Robbedobbel on August 8, 2024 at 12:58 pm said:

    Hell yeah

  • Could you perchance follow from your Bluesky account?

    This would allow people on Mastodon (like me) to follow you from Mastodon without you having to actually create a Mastodon account.

    This year, I’ll finally be able to meet you after missing the chance last year. Of course also looking forward to play the demo, in case there’s a free spot.

  • shekurika on August 8, 2024 at 7:52 pm said:

    How does the amount of fighting vs puzzles compare to crosscode? There’s been fewer puzzles in the teaser than I hoped. Will it stay similar or is it a bit more combat focused?

  • SunshineDeluxe on August 8, 2024 at 9:27 pm said:

    Is there going to be crowdfunding for this game? I was pretty late finding CrossCode (around the time Sapphire Ridge was made available in early access), but it’s my second-favorite game of all time, and I’d love to put up some early support this time around.

  • i have a question, will this game gonna be available in russa and russian regions?

  • Kisama404 on August 9, 2024 at 10:02 am said:

    Hi, I was checking the different link in the post and just noticed that the link to VanAnimation twitter/X page is wrong, I think, [you added a “)” in the end apparently].

    Other than that congrats on reaching this new milestone, even if I follow your progress from time to time this surprise me, wasn’t expecting this kind of news so soon.

    Can’t wait to experience this new adventure and live thousands of wonderful moments like the ones CrossCode made me experience.

    Wish you the best to all the team!!

    • Oh, right, messed that one up, lol. Thanks for noticing that, we got it fixed.

      And thank you for the nice words, we are happy that you enjoyed CrossCode that much and are looking forward to our new game. :D

  • The name is beautiful in french too: “Aurore d’albâtre”

  • I just want to say a big thanks to everyone at radical fish games. I stopped gaming in 2006 and recently got back to it. Growing up in the SNES era finding crosscode has been amazing. I’m about half way through and I’m having to stop myself from playing because I’m so into it! You have captured the era and play style perfectly.

    I can see from this trailer that a lot of the perspective issues and traveling between elevated levels have been fixed. I can’t wait to play your new game. My money is waiting!

  • Hi! Lea!
    I hope Deniz Akbulut make music for game. Or not?

  • There’s quesition. How may languege will be applied in alarly access?

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